Focus and Clarity
Wonderful Alvin, i was realizing and now i hear the difference feeding a DA converter with signal coming from Denafrips DDC How many...

I am very satisfied with the overall performance.
The Denafrips Pontus DAC, the Hermes DDC and the Avatar transport are the new additions to my system. This is definitely an upgrade to my...

Very detailed and neutral and enjoyable sound
Just received the T+ - thank you Alvin and Team for very prompt shipping to the U.K. First impressions are very positive! Using Roon 1.8...

All my music has got a lot nicer!
Hi Alvin, It is now well over 20 days since I got my Pontus and I extremely happy with it. All my music has got a lot nicer! Clear, deep...

Pt.1 Denafrips DAC Terminator PLUS VS Terminator/Gaia
Credit: HEADquarter Audio Youtube: Subscribe

My Present Desktop system with DENAFRIPS ARES II
Credit: Asghar @ US PRODUCT INFO: https://www.denafrips.com/dac WHERE TO BUY? https://www.vinshineaudio.com/shop

All of the metaphors; pace, rhythm, and dynamics are there in abundance
As a second generation customer having upgraded from the Terminator to the Terminator Plus, and who has cycled through many other well...

I cannot say how happy I am.
I connected Ares II to Hegel H200, integrated amp without a DAC, and listen through ATC SCM 11 speakers and two 12” subwoofers. I cannot...