DENAFRIPS all-new USB DAC solution comes with full licensed Thesycon Driver for Windows PC.
Please install the driver on the Windows PC should you wish to use the USB input of the DAC.

Step 1: Download the latest Thesycon USB Driver from the link below. Unzip the folder and install the driver.
Step 2: Connect the standard USB cable from PC USB port to the DAC USB input.
Step 3: Plug in the Power Cord to the DAC, turn on the power. The DAC Standby LED should light up. It's tiny piece of pinhole size indication LED in red, cool, isn't it?
Step 4: Press the Power Button once, the DAC shall turn on. Select USB input. The USB input LED should light up.
Step 5: Check the DENAFRIPS USB Audio Device Control Panel, DENAFRIPS DAC should be detected as "DENAFRIPS USB Audio V3.12"

Step 6: DAC Info and ASIO Buffer Size setting. You may set the ASIO Buffer Size to increase/reduce the latency. It depends very much on the computer processing power. The higher the processing power, the lower buffer size you can set.

We recommend roon / JRiver / Audirvana Studio for Windows OS. You may use other software to playback the music, the key point is to configure the software to use the DENAFRIPS USB DAC in 'Exclusive Mode' so that it bypass the Windows OS Sound Mixer settings.
Audirvana Studio Basic Setup
Step 1: Download, install, subscribe to Audirvana Studio. Launch the Audirvana Studio app. Click on the bottom right loudspeaker icon, select VINSHINE DENAFRIPS USB DAC

Step 2: Click on the Setting icon to setup the DAC parameters.
Select ASIO
Click on the Setting icon on the OUTPUT DEVICE tab
Disable Auto-Detect MQA Devices
Select DAC as Not MQA
Enable use large ASIO buffer
Allocate appropriate Max. Memory for tracks reload (varies depending on memory available on the computer)

Step 3: Software Volume Control
We recommend to use an analog preamp (Hestia/Athena) to pair with our DAC for volume control
Click on the Volume icon
Disable Software Volume Control

Step 4: It's done. Play some music & enjoy!
Native 44.1Khz sampling rate playback
ASIO active (PCM Mode)

Step 5: Wait, how about upsampling? No problem.
Click on the Upsampling setting icon
Set the desire upsampling rate
Close the pop up window to confirm the settings


*For other playback software, the steps to set up are similar.