Hello guys,
The latest licensed Thesycon Driver (For Windows PC) v5.12.0 is available to download here: link.

What's new? TUSBAudio - Thesycon USB Audio 2.0 Class Driver for Windows Revision History ----------------------------------------------------- V5.12.0 (May 18, 2021) ----------------------------------------------------- * New: MIDI pipe statistics in the Spy utility * New: several registry parameters for MIDI added * Fix: switch preferred ASIO buffer size with driver package containing MIDI only and audio devices * Chg: MIDI RX now uses USB flow control * Chg: improved ISO packet error check * Chg: scripts use Python 3.9.1 now * Chg: DCK needs Windows 10 now * Chg: documentation * Chg: one channel can be part of more than 4 sound devices now
The history file with changes can be downloaded at: http://www.thesycon.de/usbaudio/TUSBAudio_history.txt
Yours Sincerely,