Here are a few pics of my system with the latest additions of my new CDT and Pontus2 DAC:
Jay's Audio CDT2-MK3
Denafrips Pontus 2
Parasound JC2BP
PS Audio Stellar Gain Cell
Parasound JC5
Martin Logan ESL-X
Kimber Kable 12VS

I didn’t really think buying this CDT would make any real improvement in the sound of my system, I just liked how it was designed; solid, top-loader..
Wow! I was in for a big surprise.
My CD’s sound a lot clearer, better focus and tighter bass. Give a listen to Eugene Wright’s fast picking bass on ‘Take Five” from Dave Brubeck’s “Time Out”. I can hear each note clearer with no smearing of ‘run-on-bass’ that I often hear from CD players.
Another plus for me is the i2s output option, which I think all CDT’s and DAC’s should provide. The build quality is outstanding, solid as a tank. You don’t see quality like this even from units that sell for much more money.
Most of my well recorded CD’s sound better using Jay’s Audio CDT, and I thought my old Leak CDT sounded very good. I am very happy and believe I made a smart buy.

After reading so many positive reviews for the Pontus 2, I decided to try one out and compare it with my PS Audio Stellar Gain Cell.
Setup via i2s was simple and I was playing CD’s in a few minutes after un-packing the unit from its shipping box.
At first, I couldn’t hear any significant difference between the 2 DAC’s, but then I put on Alan Parson’s “I Robot” and played the song ‘Breakdown’ and was blown away.
The high notes on Allan Clark’s vocals sounded clean and not harsh and raspy like with the PS Audio. I was so surprised, I had to listen again just to make sure I wasn’t imagining things. I was indeed hearing a cleaner and more defined high end and middle frequencies.
It wasn’t ‘in your face’ difference, but more subtle. It is there all right.
Anyway, I am very happy with the Pontus 2 and would recommend it to any serious audiophile.
Credit: Stanley P. @ Maryland, United States