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I am very pleased and ...


The Denefrips Ares II is connected to the Cambridge CXA 81 with xlr connectors. I have Kef LS50 Meta Speakers and an SVS SB-1000 Subwoofer. Input into the Ares are the Cambridge CXC CD transport (optical), the Bluesound NODE (coaxial), and the Panasonic BlueRay player (optical). In addition, I hook up my iphone to the USB on the Denafrips (although not since I recently added the NODE).

I am so happy with the Ares II has done to the system, especially once I got it set to oversampling mode with the slow roll off filter. It is more open, wider, and just a bigger soundstage. I never run the NODE directly to the CXA 81 although it is connected. Even MQA tracks sound more musical and wider through the Denafrips. I have tried the Lumin D2, Cambridge CXN v2 and the MA imini pro3 in the system. The combination of the NODE and Ares II is the best sounding, best value, most convenient streaming option I have found.

This is my second system and I can't believe it but I prefer the CD and streaming through the Ares to Vinyl in my other system. I have started buying CDs again since I added the Ares! It just sounds great. I am very pleased and it really has me thinking about other Denafrips gear up the chain! Although I was worried about the risk of purchasing, the service was great. I had a slight issue with one of the optical ports and Vinshine bent over backwards to make it right. I was never even without the DAC. (Alvin: You're very welcome :))

The Denafrips Ares II is highly recommended. Excellent sound and service.

Credit: Dan @ USA





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