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  • Writer's pictureDENAFRIPS

a welcomed touch of warmth

Alvin and Sales force,

First, I would like to thank your entire sales force for a job well done. I would not have expected dealing with a supplier so far away would be so pleasant, your follow up to the sale is first rate, Every person I have had dealings with have been very pleasant and gone the extra mile to guarantee my satisfaction.

Second, to my great surprise the Arse streamer improved my audio system far more than I expected, I had been using a Allo bridge with the Iris reclocker and did not expect much of a change as I was already utilizing the I2s port on my Pontus 2. To my surprise the improvement was all around better resolution of the details and a welcomed touch of warmth. Last night I spent quite a bit of time listening with headphones and have come to the conclusion I will have to make the upgrade to my office headphone system as well.

Thank you

Bill @ Cal USA



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