Greetings Alvin. I am simply amazed by the Venus II I am also amazed by how easy you made this transaction. From beginning to end; you made everything easy and complete. Thank you.
My system is currently comprised of a pair of PrimaLuna Dialogue 7 tube mono-blocks. I use a Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 line-stage preamp and Sonic Frontiers Ultra Jitterbug. Analog setup is comprised of an EAR 834P Phono preamp, with Clearaudio Concept and Benz Micro Glider low output MC cart.
Loudspeakers are refreshed ADS L1290 and the ADS PB1500 Powered Bass module using ADS PB1500 active crossover, two self-powered 10" woofers. All cabling is Blue Jeans Cable.

My focus has been on the digital side since the late '80s. I am a Redbook fan. I also like a bargain. My transport is an Emotiva ERC-2 and of course, now the Venus II; Upgrading from the venerable Monarchy M22A using piggybacked PCM63K Burr-Brown chipset. While the Monarchy is a great and long-lived implementation of chip-based Ladder DAC technology, this resistor-based R2R design blows chip-based DAC out of the water. It was past time to upgrade my DAC. Alvin's old-world R2R resistor-based ladder DAC design is far superior to my previous chip-based ladder DAC.
Streaming is via Qobuz from my win PC, and I use a V-link to convert USB to an Optical asynchronous / Isynchronous signal feeding Venus II. My 6TB NAS is used for digital music storage and streaming. I am in the process of updating my PC to win10 and a fast SSD drive.

I am so impressed with the Venus II. Right out of the box it was clear this DAC was special. I now have over 700 hours in and man, the musicality, and detail is amazing. Clarity, dynamics, mid-range, and bass. Treble is never harsh and the sound fully is revealing. Many times I hear things in well-known recordings that I have not heard before. The sonic quality of Venus II is amazing.
I had been saving for the Terminator but after discussion with Alvin, I took a chance on the Venus II. I am very glad I did, and I have to wonder how in the world the Terminator could be better. This Venus II just fits perfectly in my rack and budget. The sound quality has elevated my system significantly. What goes in comes out as a treasure of musicality. Every bit of music is compelling and musical. Venus II has me listening and enjoying tunes I did not care for previously. Venus II has opened the possibility, and enjoyment I have not before found.

Alvin, thank you. This transaction was smooth, forthright, and complete. What a product, what a great buy. Anyone on the fence for an outstanding DAC should look at the Denafrips line of DAC. From entry-level Aries II up to the Terminator Plus, Anyone on the fence considering a purchase, and feeling uncomfortable about a Guangzhou to Singapore transaction should work with Alvin. His honesty and demeanor are in my view, beyond reproach. Alvin and Vinshine Audio will treat you right.
Credit: Steve W. @ US