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the benefits it provides are hard to ignore


Hi Annie,

Very happy with every aspect of Vinshine Audio. The communication and personal touch is fantastic, so thanks for taking that extra time and effort.

Here are a couple of quick photos of the setup. While the Pontus II doesn't stand out in the setup as much as other components, the benefits it provides are hard to ignore.

Current component setup:

  • Denafrips Pontus II + Raspberry Pi with Ropiee + Roon over USB.

  • B&W 804d speakers

  • VPI Prime 21 turntable + Sumiko Blackbird + Keith Herron Audio VTPH-2A Phono Preamp

  • 1926 Victor Victrola VV 1-2 manual 78rpm turntable

  • Classé CP-800 preamp

  • McIntosh MC302 power amp

  • AudioTechnics turntable for digitizing 78rpm mono recordings

  • Pioneer RT-707 reel-to-reel

  • Sony MDR-Z1R headphones

Best regards,

Kevin A. @ US



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